To maintain the integrity of Arizona's water supplies and the industries that rely on these essentials for the benefit of Arizona's economy.
To represent irrigated agriculture and agribusiness by working to promote and protect water resources in the state of Arizona and to actively educate, support and promote all aspects of water, agriculture, and agribusiness.
Alert, educate and link its members on current issues important to water, agriculture and agribusiness including, but not limited to; federal and state legislation that impacts Arizona's water, agriculture and agribusiness; federal and state water, power and land policies and regulations; groundwater management; changes in taxation proposals and policies; rural, state and regional economic development. Achieve a working consensus among its members on the best and most prudent course for agriculture to pursue in conjunction with its position in Arizona's economy. Speak with one voice to generate further support within the industry and to effectively communicate that support to state and federal entities, major state universities as well as to the general public and to gain their understanding and favorable action on an issue under consideration.
General Manager of SCIDD, Shane Lindstrom provided the board with an update on his construction project to repair the bridges, lining canals and will begin on the pipelines and 150 miles of laterals soon.
The ABWC Board of Directors have been hard at work, planning the September 16, 2022, Annual Meeting & Water Conference that will be held at the SRP PERA Training & Conference Center. It is going to be a great meeting and agenda that will be coming soon!
General Manager of Buckeye Water Conservation & Drainage District and ABWC Board of Director member, Noel Carter provides the board with an overview of the BWCDD' Strategic Plan.
Thank you to our hosts, Dr. Kiril Hristovski and Dr. George Seperich !
The ABWC Board of Directors appreciated Arizona Speaker of the House, Rusty Bowers for joining the meeting for a discussion on the 2022 Legislative Session, the new Arizona Water Authority and progress of bills that affect water, power and agriculture throughout the state.
Thank you to Sonnet Nelson, from the Yuma Center of Excellence for Desert Agriculture, Noble Law Office attorney, Wade Noble and the Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition for hosting the ABWC Board of Directors on Friday, January 14, 2022.
Held on Friday, June 26th. Thank you to Ed Gerak and staff at the Arizona Power Authority for hosting the group!