Agribusiness & Water Council of arizona
A not-for-profit trade association, representing the entire Arizona agricultural community from "ditch bank to dinnerplate".
A not-for-profit trade association, representing the entire Arizona agricultural community from "ditch bank to dinnerplate".
ABWC is excited to announce the 33rd Annual Tommy Caywood Memorial H2Open Golf Tournament on Friday, October 18th! Located in Pinal County, Francisco Grande Golf Resort in Casa Grande.
Start coordinating your team now because you don't want to miss this fun event! 2024 will introduce a newly revised golf tournament with refreshment stations all along the course, new games, opportunities for new awards and more!
Click Below to Sponsor a Team, Register as a Individual Golfer, OR Donate to the Raffle Drawing!
Thank you to everyone who attended this Sold-Out event! This event is for everyone who has an interest in water and wants to learn more about Water in Arizona.
Speakers provided information about water relating to Municipalities, Agriculture, Industry, Mining, Public Use and More!
Click below and view the highlights of the event!
Thank you to all of our sponsors!
For making this event possible!
Check out these great opportunities for jobs in the water and agricultural industry throughout Arizona.
Find out how you can save on your water use! Designed to increase irrigation water application efficiency in crop production by 20% or more. Approved grantees will receive up to $1,500 per acre, for a maximum reimbursement of $1,000.000 towards the purchase and installation of a system from an approved vendor!
ABWC Treasurer and General Manager of Maricopa Water District, Glen Vortherms provided a full tour of Lake Pleasant and explained how important water is to our growers and Arizona! Ending the evening with a Dinner at Dillon's BBQ!
The Family Farm Alliance is a Non-Profit, Grass Roots Association. Agribusiness & Water Council of Arizona Members are active participants, serving on the board and advisory committees of this national association.
"Water is the lifeblood of Arizona and the West", ABWC President, Tom Davis.
A unique collaboration of the Agribusiness & Water Council of Arizona, Arizona State University Morrison School of Agribusiness & the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. The WMCP curriculum is designed by distinguished practitioners of water resources and power management. The instructors have decades of experience and are among the most knowledgeable and recognized leaders in the field.
Water Management Certificate Program
We are currently accepting applications for the upcoming Cohort XII!
Water Management Certificate Program Cohort XI information and login.
The Agribusiness & Water Council of Arizona (ABWC) is a not for profit trade association, whose membership represents the entire agricultural community from "ditch bank to dinner plate", in Arizona. ABWC was established in 1978 to respond to proposed water legislation and to serve as the state's reclamation representative to the National Water Resources Association. It's members are comprised of growers, ranchers, suppliers of equipment, seed, chemicals and services, attorney groups, agricultural processors, financiers of agribusiness enterprises, commodity groups, trade associations, electrical, irrigation and drainage districts, and major state universities.
ABWC hosts an annual business meeting featuring local experts, vendors and an opportunity to actively promote water quality, conservation, rights and management. Check out the Highlights of the Friday, September 15, 2023 Conference!
Arizona Agriculture Producer & Suppliers bring Arizona Grown Produce, Eggs, Pasta, Milk and more to the Capitol. ABWC spends the day networking with our elected officials and communicating the importance of water and agriculture to Arizona.
New! Check out the Event Highlights of 2023!
ABWC Members and Board of Directors participate in CRUWA. The Colorado River Water Users Association is a non-profit, non-partisan organization providing a forum for exchanging ideas and perspectives on Colorado River use and management with the intent of developing and advocating common objectives, initiatives and solutions.
Irrigation & Electrical Districts Association (IEDA)
IEDA's members are engaged in the management of water and power facilities and the delivery of water and power in Arizona. Responsible for the delivery of most of AZ entitlement of water from the Colorado River and much of the water that is otherwise available in Arizona. The membership includes special districts, municipalities, an Indian utility authority, and the managers of a federal water project.
January 18, 2024 ABWC and Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition enjoy the 17th Annual "Steak & Chuck" Dinner.
Tuesday, June 30th ABWC President Tom Davis and Arizona Ag Commodity organization representatives, met with the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to discuss labor issues facing Arizona farmers.
Financial Controller
Yuma County Water Users' Association - Somerton, AZ
From $120,000 a year
YCWUA is a private not-for-profit business located in the heart of Yuma, Arizona's thriving agricultural industry. We maintain approximately 70 employees and operate with a $9 million annual budget.
We appreciate our Irrigation & Electrial District partners.
We appreciate our business partners
Located on the corner of Greenfield Road and Broadway Road in Mesa, Arizona
4455 East Broadway Road, Suite 102 Mesa, Arizona 85206, United States
The Arizona Affiliate to the
National Water Resources Association.
Serving Arizona Agriculture Since 1978.
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