Chris Udall participates in the important discussions on topics such as wildlife & agricultural trade related issues, namely the movement of livestock and various perishable commodities at the border. The Co-Charis of the Committees were presented copper coins commemorating the AMC’s 60 years as an organization. Thank you to Juan Ciscomani. We-re fortunate to work with great leaders on both sides of the border and we have a Governor who is very committed to continually find ways to improve relationships and foster equitable and fair trade with our neighbors in Sonora.
Arizona-Mexico Commission Summit. Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Commission.
Arizona-Mexico Commission Co-Chair Luncheon. ABWC Executive Director Chris Udall, participated in the work of our binational committees who, truly drive the success of the Arizona-Mexico relationship.
On March 5th, Chris attended a great lunch meeting listening to updates on border corona virus efforts, plans for the possible upcoming June Summit in Marana, other future meetings and action plans.