Dr. George Seperich holds the position of Professor at the Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus. His academic interests include identifying necessary conditions for agribusiness economic development at the state level, corporate strategy and the development of management, and marketing agribusiness case studies as teaching tools.
Dr. Seperich received his M.S. and Pd.D. degrees from Michigan State University. He has co-authored a book, Introduction to Agribusiness Marketing, edited Case Studies in Agribusiness Management with several authors, and authored Food Science and Technology.
Attorney with Salmon, Lewis & Weldon
Retired Salt River Project
Since 2008, Grant has served as a consultant primarily to Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation District and Electrical District No. 3, as well as other irrigation districts and electrical districts before the legislature of Arizona.
Mr. Ward join Maricopa-Stanfield Irrigation & Drainage District and Electrical District #3 as General Manager in July 1995. In 1997 he was asked to also form and serve as the General Manager of a new organization called Santa Cruz Water and Power Districts Association, which was for the purpose of bringing together the two districts he represented, (87,000 acres of irrigated farmland and 130,000 acres serving electricity to approximately 40,000 customers consisting of irrigation, commercial and residential customers), with two additional districts, the Central Arizona Irrigation and Drainage District, serving water to 87,000 acres of farmland and Electrical District no. 4, serving electricity to irrigation, commercial, and residential customers in a 48,000 acre area.
He was previously with the Central Arizona Water Conservation District where he served as Assistant General Manager, responsible for planning and environmental compliance. Prior to that position, he was the Executive Director for the Agribusiness & Water Council of Arizona where he represented the Agricultural community, including irrigation districts, before the Arizona Legislature and State Regulatory Agencies, particularly on water issues. Previously, Mr. Ward was the General Manager of the Roosevelt Water Conservation District for nine years.
During his service in these districts, etc., he has also spent considerable time before state and federal agencies and legislative bodies on behalf of his districts.
Mr. Ward is a graduate of Brigham Young University. He is married to Judy and they have seven children.
Retired - Maricopa Water District