Tom W. Davis joined the Yuma County Water Users' Association as manager in January 2007. Prior to joining YCWUA, Tom was manager of the Carlsbad Irrigation District, Carlsbad , NM . He was also employed for fifteen years by the USDA-Forest Service. Tom is a graduate of Oklahoma State University .
Member of:
· National Water Resources Association
· Family Farm Alliance
Donovan Neese is currently the superintendent of the Roosevelt Irrigation District. He was appointed to this position in 2011. He is a registered professional engineer and worked as a design and construction engineer in agriculture for ten years prior to coming to the District. Donovan also has a Masters of Business Administration.
He is a member of:
Glen Vortherms is the General Manager of the Maricopa Water District (MWD) which was formally organized in 1925, as a political subdivision and an irrigation and water conservation district under Arizona state statutes and was successfully completed in 1927. MWD is the only privately financed reclamation project of its kind. MWD provides water and power to service an area of approximately 60 square miles. The lands within MWD which are still in agricultural are cropped with cotton, vegetables, fruits, citrus, grapes, and grain. There are, however, other markets which are served by MWD including trees, flowers, grass, hobby farms, and golf courses in those areas which urbanized and developed. Glen serves as treasurer of the Agribusiness & Water Council of Arizona and Coordinator of the Water Management Certificate Program.
Wade and his wife Kathy are the parents of five children. He is a fifth-generation native Arizonan, born in Safford and growing up in Wilcox. After a family move to Tempe, he graduated from Tempe High School. His Bachelor’s Degree is from the University of Arizona (1973) and his Juris Doctor Degree from St. Mary’s University of San Antonio (1977).
Wade has been in private practice in Yuma since 1978. He was a member of the Westover Law Firm until its dissolution in 1996. In that year he formed the Noble Law Office.
Clients include: Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District, Yuma Irrigation District, North Gila Valley Irrigation and Drainage District and Unit B Irrigation and Drainage District.
* President National Water Resources Association 2011-2012 (NWRA)
* Member NWRA Board of Directors
* Chair NWRA Policy Development Committee
* Chair Resolutions Committee Colorado River Water Users’ Association (CRWUA)
* Member Family Farm Alliance Advisory Council
* Chair Arizona Navigable Stream Adjudication Commission
* Member Governor’s Water Augmentation, Innovation and Conservation Council
* Chair GWAICC Long Term Water Augmentation Committee
* Member Arizona Delegation Colorado River Seven Basin States Principals
* Member Lower Basin Drought Contingency Plan Arizona Steering Committee
* Member Lower Colorado Multi-Species Conservation Program Steering Committee
* Member Agribusiness & Water Council of Arizona (ABWC) Board of Directors
* Chair ABWC Policy Development-Legislative/Regulatory Affairs Committee
* Adjunct professor University of Arizona - Yuma “Legal Issues in Agriculture”
* Member Arizona Farming and Ranching Hall of Fame (2020)
* Coordinator Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition
* Member case study committee and contributor: ”A Case Study in Efficiency - Agriculture and Water Use in the Yuma, Arizona Area” Yuma County Agriculture Water Coalition, March, 2015
Bill Plummer provides consulting services to irrigation districts, towns and cities in Arizona and has been involved in numerous water and water related programs in South and Southeast Asia for the World Bank, Asian Development Bank and the United Nations. He has served in a number of policy and management positions in Washington, DC, Denver, Salt Lake City and Boulder City, Nevada with the Office of Management and Budget and the Department of the Interior.
From 1978 to 1985 he was responsible for all Bureau of Reclamation activities in both the Upper (1978-1981) and Lower (1981-1985) Colorado River Basins. He was the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources from 1988 to 1991 and General Manager of the Yuma Mesa Irrigation and Drainage District in 2006-2007. He participates in the following organizations:
He has BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Vermont and MS in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University.