Wade Noble, an attorney for Yuma area irrigation districts is also representing his clients and the National Water Resources Association before the Senate Energy and National Resources Committee, Water and Power Subcommittee. The hearing was held on Thursday, July 18 and focused on 3 bills, including:
*Aquifer Recharge Flexibility Act (S. 1570)
*Drought Resiliency and Water Supply Infrastructure Act (S. 1932)
*Water Supply Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Utilization Act (S. 2044)
This bill includes provisions to deal with extraordinary maintenance challenges and is designed to amend the aging infrastructure section of a 2009 law (P.L. 111-11) that was created, in part, to help prevent future disasters of the type that occurred in 2008, when the Truckee Canal failed near Fernley, Nevada.
While not testifying on the Drought Resiliency and Water Supply Infrastructure Act (S. 1932), his written testimony expresses support for it. "S. 1932 will be instrumental in the development of new, additional, much needed water infrastructure,: he said. "It is an integral part of addressing the country's water infrastructure needs."